The Inspiration
A favorite ski chairlift.
A love of listening to and sharing life stories.
The after effect of the Covid-19 pandemic.
These are the three unique ingredients from which the Life Notes from Chair 17 podcast was born.
If you have ever been on a chairlift (and even if you haven’t), it is a small snapshot of time in which to engage in interesting conversation with someone you may not know.
And with those that you do.
Listen to CH talk a little bit more about the inspiration in this audio snippet from our 17th episode.
The Host
“Just a girl, recording for an audience, inviting them to listen,” says host CH.
Notting Hill references aside, CH is – at her core – a listener, learner and storyteller. Her day job primarily focuses on herding cats (a.k.a. project management), but her passions lie elsewhere – in music, the outdoors, photography, writing and history.
She lives by a couple of life mantras coined after facing some of the more challenging curveballs life has thrown:
1) Strength. Confidence. Courage.
2) The strongest part is the broken part.
3) Do what you say. Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
4) Trust, but verify.
5) Give yourself permission.
CH aims to share thoughtful stories, perspectives and insights not only from her own life journey but also those of special guests and contributors; and, to discuss lessons learned, wisdoms gained, experiences had and inspirations shared.
“I hope you’ll join in,” says CH, “because I am really looking forward to sharing stories with you.”